Monday, February 20, 2012

The excruciating pain that hundred dollar bills can cause

If someone's total comes to $92 and they hand be a hundred dollar bill or $289 and they pay with two hundred dollar bills, it's not a big deal. But when the total is only $6.58 and I am handed a hundred, I want to rip into little pieces and scream. I am not your personal bank! The worst is when I see them flipping through bills in their wallet. 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 5, 5, bunch of ones and then, "Oh here's this one hundred dollar bill for you because you obviously don't hate life enough." I have noticed that there's a certain profile that goes along with the person who pays with hundred dollar bills.

Here's the link to part of an essay I wrote about the different types of people and how they pay:

1 comment:

  1. OMG,
    I'm one of those customers who always says "Oh, it's for credit, do I just push the red button?" I can't keep track of the different machines at the different stores! Your account of the different types of people and how they pay is very funny. I LOVE the old lady with the prune juice and cat food! I'm sure I see her many times when I'm shopping!
