Monday, February 20, 2012

The register of doom and isolation

I have to rant really quickly about a certain fellow employee. First I have to give you some background on how much I HATE being on register number 17, the Express Lane. It's all the grumpy, rude, angry people. They pay with hundred dollar bills, go far over the 12 item limit (sometimes going so far as to divide their 36 items into three separate orders), and yell at me when I don't know where their Marlboro 100 lights box red menthol green gold silver pack is. Does it look like I smoke?
Oh quick side rant within a rant here, I find it funny how I can always tell when people are going to buy cigarettes. There's just something about the unnaturally tan looking skin or the dead hair.
Anyways, I hate being on 17. Mostly because I'm all alone with no bagger. I mean, yeah it's only 12ish items, but it's still stressful being so far away and isolated from everyone. So tonight I was on register 10. My favorite. I saw Mary go up to Christina and Erin with her drawer and they told her to go on number 17. Well she whined and complained soooooooo much that they said, "Okay go on 10." Are you serious...... Guess who got stuck on 17? Me. And when I was over there she mouthed to me, "Ha ha." I wanted to trip her or something. So not fair.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know Marlboro made those type of cigarettes!

    Yeah- why is it that those express lanes are sometimes stuck off by themselves? I think it's because there is then more room for the longer lines that they get?

    Oh and Erin will get hers...just wait!
