Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spoken to

A couple nights ago I had been at work for about ten minutes when Simon appeared behind me and said, "I'm gonna ring for you for a minute. Justin wants to talk to you." I felt my heart stop. The only time Justin or Mark wanted to talk to you was if you were in trouble (Or if you were being sent to Hooksett which is a whole other story). I grinned apprehensively at my bagger Jeremy who also knew I was most likely in trouble. I walked slowly, hunched over and hanging my head, over to where Justin was standing by the rack of carriages.
He was grinning like he always was when he said, "You have a coupon issue." I immediately started thinking of all the times I found coupons around my register and couldn't remember if I entered them or not.
"Oooh," I said, "yeah." He saw the realization on my face and said, "You know what I'm talking about?" Still smiling.
"I think so," I said.
"There was a Kashi coupon..." Nope, not what I thought he was talking about. I put a confuised look on.
"It was for a free Kashi product and there was a space to fill in the amount..." Crap I knew exactly what he was talking about now.
"Instead of putting the price of the item in, you put the maximum amount. The maximum price on the coupon was $5 and the product was only $3 so you gave money away."

Do you know how many coupons I give away? Because customers won't give up. They will fight me tooth and nail for their 30 cents off. It says right there on the coupon that it's a dollar off if you buy TWO 6 packs of water, but they won't listen.
"Well the sign said."
"Well it's in the flyer."
"Well I heard it being announced."
So I don't even argue with people anymore I just type in all the coupons manually.
Because really, $2 may be a HUGE deal to the customer, but not to me. I do what I have to do to preserve my sanity.

And I'm a little concerned with how Mark knew I did that with that coupon. He must have had to look through my folder and find the $5 coupon and then look through every single one of my receipts to find the order it was used on and then scan through the list and find the Kashi product. Really? Really?

"I'm sorry," I said to Justin trying to look sheepish.
"It's okay," he said.
"Am I in trouble?"
"No just don't do it again," he said.
Oooooookayyyyyy. From now on I will scroll one at a time all the way to the top of the massive list of items I just rung through to find the item's actual price so that I don't cheat the huge, wealthy grocery store out of a dollar.

1 comment:

  1. Coupons must be such a pain for everyone. Don't get me wrong, I like saving money, but I hate carrying around and organizing those tiny slips of paper. Then the cashier has to handle them; then the store manager (?); and who else after that? I'm sorry you got found out! Big brother is watching....
