Monday, February 20, 2012

No good, stealing gypsies

Okay, so here's an interesting story. There's this absolutely insane woman who comes to Grocery Store pretty often to wreak havoc. Sometimes she comes alone and sometimes she comes with her psychotic kids. There are all these stories about her that go around between coworkers.
She will walk over to the bakery, and you know how there are discounted cakes because they have some kind of minor defect? well she would take a perfectly fine cake, shake it up, bring it to the woman in the bakery and ask to have it discounted. Really? Are you that much of a lowlife? And she has also been known to open a container of cookies, shove them in her kids pockets and then throw the container away. There are also stories about her and her kin that go beyond the grocery store.
The rumor is that she's a gypsy. Her and her 30 kids or so live in a trailer or roam around. Timmy told me some of the older kids have gotten expelled for getting into fights.
Anyways, she is a complete menace. And she has this stupid hat, like a beanie, that she wears on the veryyyyy top of her head so it sticks straight up, but it's barely on her head. Every time I see her I just want to shove the stupid hat over her head. The first time I met her was the single most traumatic, entertaining experience of my short, unfulfilled life.
Here's the story:

1 comment:

  1. This will forever be one of my favorite personal narratives. Since I first read this story, I go into the grocery store with one eye casting about for a glimpse of The Gypsy Lady!
