Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You don't belong here

A couple nights ago I was on express, but it was register 16 which isn't as bad because usually it's only temporary and sometimes there's a bagger. This particular night I had a bagger, Gregory. This man came through my line and said something, but I couldn't hear so I asked him to repeat himself.
"That kid has really blond hair." I turned around to see where he was looking. There was this new hire working a couple registers down who had very blond hair, almost white.
"Oh," I said. He said something else, but I missed it again so I just nodded and handed him his receipt. When he walked away I asked Gregory, "What did he say?"
"He said, 'He doesn't belong here."
"What!" I said, "That's so sad!"
"And really weird," Gregory added, "Who says that?"
We laughed about this for the rest of the night. Every time one of us saw the other we would say, "You don't belong here," with a really serious look.


  1. It's so peculiar that someone would say that! How strange!

  2. Maybe he knew this kid. Maybe this kid wasn't really a kid, but some alien in disguise. Maybe the man who said it was an alien in disguise. Maybe he knew the kid and knew that he was literally supposed to be somewhere else at that very moment. ????? Maybe you and Gregory imagined the whole thing!
