Monday, March 5, 2012

A paycheck-less week

We got a lot of snow wednesday night and all day thrusday. It was insane. It literally did not stop snowing for almost 24 hours, the roads were horrible and a neighboring town where my mom worked closed. I was scheduled to work thursday night at 5. Due to the tretchorous roads and my lack of driving experience, I wasn't sure about going into work. I imagined that not many people would be venturing to Market Basket today anyways. We are supposed to call in 3 hours before or shift if we can't make it so at 2 I decided to call Mark and feel him out; see if he was understanding and like, "Oh yeah I totally understand. Don't worry we don't need you to come in today," or say he really needed me and I should try to make it.
I calleld work and asked to speak to Mark if he was available. He was. I told him that I wasn't sure if I could make it because the roads were very bad and my parents didn't wnt to let me drive since this was the first time I've ever even driven in snow before.
"Well, you're calling pretty early aren't you?" he said. I started to say something about how I thought I wa supposed to call 3 hours ahead, (I didn't think, i knew)but he cut me off.
"I really need some people to come in today," he said. Not understanding. "Where do you live?"
"I live in Kingston," I said, "It's about 20 minutes away-"
"Yeah I know where it is," he snapped. "Call me back at 4, it might be better by then."
"Okay," I said and hung up. It sounded like he really needed me and wasn't understanding of the horrid weather conditions outside so I decided to go to work. I went outside and shoveled my c ar off and shoveled the snow behind it so I could get out of the driveway. At a little before 4:00 I called back to let Mark know I was going to come in, but he wasn't available and I got Simon on the phone instead. I told him what had happened and said, I'm on my way I decided to come in."
"Oh, Mark already crossed your name off. We don't need you."
"Uh, can I still come in?"
"You're not even on the lsit anymore don't worry about it." Okay, that's a no. I said "Alright, thanks. Bye," and hung up the phone.
Wow thank you for automatically assuming that I wasn't going to make an effort. Now I literally won't get a paycheck next week since I took Monday off for my birthday. Love when that happens.

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