Thursday, March 8, 2012

People who think everyone cares

A lot of customers are really rude, but there are actually some customers that are a little too friendly.
I was working on the register of doom and isolation when this guy came through my line and he chatted a little bit about his family while I was bagging his groceries. After he paid and I handed him the receipt I thought he would head to the door and leave like everyone else normally did, but he got out of the line and stood by the end of my register. He took his ipod out of his pocket and said, "I have some pictures on here."
"Okay..." I said. I turned my attention back to the line, but now people were unsure of whether they were waiting for that man or not.
"Oh, you can help him," the man said as he noticed me just standing there, "I'm just waiting for this to load."
After a few more customers my line died down and he came over holding up his ipod.
"This is my grandson Bently, he's 6 years old. He's so funny he wears his underwear on his head like this and I call him Captain Underpants..."
"He's cute," I said and faked a laugh.
"...And this is our dog Spot who we got off Craigslist for $50. It's sad to think about what would ahve ahppened to him if we hadn't taken him..." He went on forever and showed me picture after picture. Finally someone came to my line and he left. It was the first time I'd ever prayed for a customer.


  1. This makes me feel uncomfortable!! (But I love the story.)

  2. Whoa! ake sure you don't walk to your car alone after that type of customer. Not to scare you, but that sounds pretty creepy. I guess he could just be a lonely person, but it was pretty odd behavior. I wouldn't feel bad about saying sorry, I can't look right now and sort of blow him off. But I know you are so nice, and he obviously saw that too!
