Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taken out by crazy shopper

I arrived at work yesterday, early like usual, since I'm so paranoid and I leave a half hour before I even need to. When I got out of my car and started to walk to the front of the store I immediately became aware of quite the commotion. A woman in a huge black SUV hit an older gentleman walking in the crosswalk, just trying to make it into the store. He was lying perfectly still on the ground for about 25 minutes before any paramedics are cops got to the scene. When I got there, pretty much every single manager was outside and people were all crowded around the guy. The woman was still i nher car, I couldn't see her or anything. One of the managers put a space blanket over the man lying on his side. I walked into the store very slowly, looking over my shoulder the whole time. I saw another manager rush to the courtesy booth and ask Aiden if they called the cops yet. It took quite awhile and I was on my register already by the time the paramedics, cops and ambulance came and carried him away on a stretcher. Customers from all over the store were crowding around the front windows to see what was happening.

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